Aigis Wiki
Class Name
(edit info)
Traits/Effects Notes
Can summon a token that heals allies, the first of which does not count towards the deployment limit.
When a token is summoned, heal all allies for 300 HP.
Attacks ignore defense.
While in the active team, Plant-type enemies have 20% reduced attack.
  • Attacks root enemies for a moment (99% slow for .23 seconds).
  • Can employ up to 5 Trees of Life.
    • Tokens cannot be targeted by enemies.
Master Druid
Can summon a token that heals allies, the first of which does not count towards the deployment limit.
When a token is summoned, heal all allies for 500 HP.
Attacks ignore defense.
While in the active team, Plant-type enemies have 20% reduced attack.
Queen of Druids
Can summon a token that heals allies, the first 2 of which do not count towards the deployment limit.
When a token is summoned, heal all allies for 500 HP.
Attacks ignore defense.
While in the active team, Plant-type enemies have 20% reduced attack.
  • Large HP/ATK increase.
  • Attacks root enemies for a moment (99% slow for .23 seconds).
  • Can employ up to 5 Sacred Trees of Life.
    • Trees cannot be targeted by enemies.
    • 1st and 2nd token do not count towards the deployment limit.
Forest Queen
Can summon a token that heals allies, the first of which does not count towards the deployment limit.
When a token is summoned, heal all allies for 900 HP.
Attacks ignore defense.
While in the active team, Plant-type enemies have 20% reduced attack.
  • Large ATK increase.
    • Smaller than Queen of Druids.
  • Range + 20.
  • Attacks root enemies for a moment (99% slow for .23 seconds).
  • Can employ up to 5 significantly more powerful Trees of Life with gradually dwindling HP.
    • Trees lose 1% HP/0.6 sec.
    • Trees cannot be targeted by enemies.
NOTE: Unlike Template:Unitlist item, parameter name series c1, c2, etc. (except c0) refer to the order in which they should be called, not to the specific CE or Awakening stage. (E.g. A High Princess' stats would be listed under the c3 variables in Unitlist item but under the c2 variables on this template.)

In retrospect, the variables in this template should've been named something like r1Class for row one...but what's done is done.

Also, the Rows variables are now defunct.

Lastly, when adding a class table with no c1notes, set it as a non-breaking space like so: "|c1Notes = & nbsp ;" (Without the spaces), Otherwise the table won't show a cell properly under the notes section.
